When you think about how much time college students spend getting an education, and the money involved as well, it is hard to imagine a school where you can learn just what you need, and get yourself a job at the same time. One Los Angeles film school known as the Entertainment Career Connection offers a production course curriculum that qualifies graduates for positions in the film, television, video and music video fields.
Here's how this works. You get industry experts who pass on their knowledge to the Film Connection classroom and provide an interactive and exciting atmosphere where they, as mentor teachers,work openly between sound stages, movie sets and the classroom. The school provides training on real sets and under real life working conditions. You get to be trained one-on-one by a working professional. The mentor proactively teaches both professional and technical skills, helping to bridge the gap between academia and the workplace. So when you are done, you will most likely get a job in the industry.
Here's what one student had to say. “With Film Connection you learn more do more and are better equipped to get a job in the film industry upon graduation. Those over-priced film schools just don’t work. You come out under-trained, unemployed and broke. The Film Connection concept is brilliant. It’s the alternative that really works,” said Mars Callahan, Writer, Director and Mentor, Pool House Junkies
You would be screened by the school, and then re-screened by the mentors. The Entertainment Connection’s programs can be completed in approximately half the time of degrees obtained from other schools. Plus, no experience is required and you can start any time. Most schools have specific semesters. Some of the Entertainment Connection students even take classes part time during night or weekend sessions, so this way they can train around their current job schedule. The average course length is five to seven months, depending upon the schedule.
In business for 25 years, the Entertainment Career Connection offers a number of paymetn plans towards totals $6,450 for payment in full. A one-year payment plan requires a down payment of $2,500 and 12 monthly payments of $465 per month totaling $8,080 and including finance charges of 12.5% per annum. Two year payment plan tuition is payable via a down payment of $2,500 and 12 monthly payments of $250 followed by another 12 monthly payments of $ 306, totaling $9,172 with finance charges at 21.5 percent per annum.
A fully accredited academic institution, the Film Connection is certified by the National Private Schools Accreditation Alliance with mentor programs in more than 100 U.S. cities in all fifty states. In fact, the Entertainment Career Connection is an associate member of the National Broadcasters Association (NAB), The American Federation of Radio and Television Artists (AFTRA), and the Society for Professional Audio Recording Services (SPARS).
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
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